- Do you know how a Norwegian piano lesson is starting?
- No!
- In what way are you moving the piano?

Two Norwegian boys had been outdoors playing. They've got dirty by
soil in their whole faces. The mother became afraid and wondered:
- What have you done?
- We have just eaten some humus.
["Humus" in Swedish is "mat-jord". "Mat" in English is "food" and
"jord" is "soil".]

Two Norwegians had hoarded drums of petrol just before a higher
price raise. To avoid that anybody else would know something about
their bought of petrol, one of them went to the forrest and burried
the petrol. When the work was done, he called his friend and asked:
- What shall we do with the empty drums?

A Norwegian and some empty drums

 A picture from the book "Norgehistorier" by Reid Persson.

A Norwegian girl would graduate and the teacher asked her:
- Are the questions heavy?
- No, I've got some problems with the answers.

The Norwegian woman teacher is asking the class:
- Do you think today that Christopher Columbus had been noticed?
- Sure! He would have been several hundred years old.

The teacher is wondering, if the children know the name of one of
the generals of the US armed forces?
- General Motors, one pupil is answering.


A Norwegian is asking an other Norwegian:
- May I borrow your car?
- Why?
- I'm going to practice left-hand driving before the travel to England.

Funny Stories, Page 3